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Wandering Traveler

About CID






We at CID are motivated to provide structured information regarding careers in the social impact sector for students and young

professionals in order to:


  • Help students and young professionals take an informed decision while building a career in the development space by about impact careers by removing the existing information gap

  • Help the development sector access a larger pool of talent


Currently, the content is aimed at students (undergraduate or graduate) or young professionals with 0-3 years of work experience. However, a large part of the content may also be relevant for others like experienced professionals looking to transition into the development sector (For example, the playlist on ‘How to contribute to the development sector?’).






How to




Step 1: Browse through “FAQs about the Development Sector” under “Our Offerings”. We recommend that you view the content in the order that they have been introduced or directly jump to those that answer your immediate questions based on your current trajectory

Step 2: Subscribe to our mailing list to stay up to date with the latest content

Step 3: In case you have a specific question that is not answered by any of the content currently uploaded, book a 1:1 personal mentorship appointment with one of the founders

Step 4: Please share thoughts, inputs, or feedback by emailing us at (we welcome both, positive and negative feedback!)



Having been uninformed students who were interested in working for development but did not know where to start, we are aware of the complete lack of information that exists regarding careers in the development sector. 


We learnt a lot about the development sector through our work and the people who were kind enough to help us along the way. We have been fortunate enough to stumble across impactful jobs that excited us and this is an initiative to give back and help others like us who might be struggling to navigate the sector. 





We would love to hear your thoughts, inputs or feedback. Get in touch with us at or sign up on the Subscribe form to stay updated about our upcoming content. 

Subscribe Form

©2020 by Career In Development.

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